Occupational Therapy (OT)

Children who participate in occupational therapy receive assistance in self-regulation, fine motor, sensory integration, and self-help skills.  Occupational therapists utilize a variety of methods to make sessions fun and functional.  

Building Independence Together

Every child grows and develops at his or her own pace. Sometimes, additional help is needed in order for your child to reach developmental milestones. The earlier a challenge is addressed, the better the future success for your child.

As adults, we often view the word “occupation” to mean “work”. For a child, his or her “work” is to learn life skills through play and activities. Occupational therapy addresses fine and gross motor skills, play skills, self-care, sensory regulation, visual motor, handwriting and environmental adaptations. Our Occupational Therapists use exercises and play-based activities to increase your child’s daily functioning, life skills and self-confidence.

Would My Child Benefit from Occupational Therapy?

Children with the following issues or concerns may benefit from occupational therapy at PNE:

  • Developmental delays/delayed milestones with fine motor activities such as playing with toys, self-feeding, etc.
    Visit Developmental Checklist to track milestones
  • Diagnosed medical conditions such as Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, various syndromes, etc.
  • Children with injuries
  • Prematurity
  • Muscle weakness
  • Muscle tone issues
  • Poor physical coordination
  • Poor eye-hand coordination
  • Concerns related to vision loss, visual tracking
  • Sensory Integration concerns – learn more
  • Feeding issues – learn more
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Learning disabilities
  • Difficulty with handwriting

If you have concerns or feel your child would benefit from occupational therapy, please contact our office to schedule an evaluation for your child. 

If your child is between the ages of birth to three, our therapists would be happy to provide services in your home or daycare through Indiana’s First Steps program. Please visit the First Steps website https://indianafirststeps.org/ or call (260) 444-2994 to refer your child for a free evaluation. Outpatient therapy at PNE is also available for children in this age group, if preferred.

Find out if your child is on target to meet milestones: